In English

Landscapes of

What event?

The connection with one’s own creativity and imagination is a profound human need.

Research underscores that emphasizing the creative and experiential aspects of individuals, particularly in client interactions, fortifies resilience, fosters inclusion, and enhances overall well-being.

How can we leverage these assets and cultivate our adeptness in utilising them, especially within the realms of social and health services, educational practices, and workplace environments? What skills must be honed for this purpose?

”Landscapes of Possibilities” is an annual event crafted to deepen our comprehension of how creativity, imagination, and related endeavors contribute to our well-being.

When and Where?

Scheduled for October 2-3, 2024, at the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Myllypuro Campus in Helsinki. Participants are welcome to join for one or two days! Program for the 2th October will be held in bilingual (English and Finnish). Program for the 3th Ocotber is in Finnish.

What to except?

The event features keynote speeches alongside parallel sessions, offering a diverse and enriching program.

The programme content will address these themes, among others:

  • What is creativity? What is creativity in everyday life?
  • How do you become aware of your unique ways of being creative? How do you reinforce and apply this understanding in your work?
  • How do you use your imagination and emotional skills in your work?
  • What creative working practices exist in different professional fields?
  • How can conscious attention to the creative and experiential side of an individual promote overall well-being in society?
  • In what ways problem-solving abilities can be strengthened through a creative approach in daily life?
  • How does creativity relate to strengthening inclusion and better interaction?
  • Can creativity increase the attraction and retention of work?

A detailed program will be unveiled in spring 2024.

Timetables and registration

The event will run daily from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Registration is required for participation in any or all days.

Attendees will gain access to the latest research insights, practical applications, interdisciplinary exchanges with professionals and students from diverse fields, and an opportunity to deepen their understanding of their unique creative approaches.

The event is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.

Please note: Entire student groups from Metropolia University (with the event included in their curriculum) need not register separately; participation is included in their regular course enrollment.

Organizer, venue and accessibility


The event is organized by the Cultural Wellbeing Research and Education Centre (CuWeRE), a collaborative venture between Metropolia UAS and the University of Jyväskylä. CuWeRE endeavors to disseminate researched knowledge and practical applications for integrating creativity more consciously into various work practices and communities, with the aim of bolstering resiliency and holistic well-being in society.

Venue and accessibility

The event will be hosted at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Myllypuro Campus, situated at Myllypurontie 1, Helsinki. The campus is conveniently accessible via public transportation, with the metro station adjacent to the campus. Further information regarding transportation and accessibility can be found on the Myllypuro website. We are committed to upholding principles of a safe and inclusive space throughout the event.